Zero-G x Domikey Midnight Keycaps Groupbuy is ongoing and other upcoming GBs
ZERO-G's Midnight Theme groupbuy is ongoing. Try not to miss!
ZERO-G collaborates with Domikey and bring Midnigh Theme Cherry Profile Keycaps to the coummunity.
Considering some special needs for enthusiasts, ZERO-G adds an extra B key and R3 back slash key in Midnight Doubleshot Keycaps.
Besides of keycaps, ZERO-G works with the Designer Studio and create a Midnight Switch, which is designed as a PCB-mounted Linear switch with composite nylon top and bottom housing.
Also, ZERO-G works with ZOMO team creating a Midnight aluminium novelty. You can get a mousepad as well from the GB, which is edge-stitched and designed by ZERO-G.
Upcoming Groupbuys
GLOVE x Domikey Linkfire Keycaps GB is coming soon. estimated start on 15th March.
iNKY x Domikey Amore:Red keycaps GB is on its way as well. Join our discord server and follow the progress.